The new generation cares about personal development.

Manage your self improvement, all in one app.

Achieve your goals, track milestones, build habits and organize tasks, all in one place.

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Personal growth, every single day.


Achieve goals

From fitness goals to reading and learning goals, achieve goals that matters to you.


Build habits

Form habits that make your life better, and beat addictions that hold you back.


Do tasks

Organize your tasks effortlessly and focus on doing what needs to be done.

Make it easy.

Make it fun.

Complete all your fitness, social, hobby, work, learning and reading goals.


Learn video editing


Get to 2000 rating in chess


Lose 20kg weight

Build habits you would be proud of.

Meditate for 30 minutes


Stop procrastinating, and get shit done.

Install prismal and start improving!

Here's what others have to say.

Your privacy is our priority.

Which is why all your data is stored safely on your mobile phone.
